
Viñas del Vero Pinot Noir

Made from Pinot Noir grapes, this is a very special rosé. Meticulously made, the rose gold of the wine world. Elegant and attractive. Smooth, silky, fruity and well-balanced, it entices the imbiber to repeat the experience of tasting it.
Viñas del Vero Pinot Noir
Appearance icon
Sensual pale pink with violet iridescences, suggestive of precious rose gold.
Smell icon
The wine displays a symphony of fine, elegant and delicate aromas.
Tasting icon
Smooth, silky, sweet and well-balanced and rounded. Memorable in a pleasant, distinct way that invites the drinker to come back for more.

Pairing icon
Ideal to drink with all kinds of appetizers, salads, carpaccios, sushi, sashimi, mushrooms and rice dishes.
Service icon
Serve at between 6 and 8ºC.


92 puntos en Guía Peñín 2022
92 puntos en Guía de Vinos Gourmets 2021.
Medalla de Oro en la Guía de Vinos Monovarietales
Medalla de Oro en la Guía de Vinos Monovarietales.
Wine Up! 2019.
Sakura Women’s Wine Awards 2020
Medalla de Oro en Sakura Women’s Wine Awards 2020.