
Let yourself be amazed by Somontano, one of Spain’s richest regions in terms of historical heritage and nature. Irrigated by the river Río Vero, close to the Pyrenees and boasts superb conditions for growing vines.


Natural splendour and historical beauty

According to the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Somontano is a “land or region  situated at the foot of a mountain”. It is a place of dazzlingly beautiful historical heritage:  Barbastro, Alquézar, Torreciudad, and the Sierra de Guara cave paintings are just a tiny example. On the banks of the river Vero and close to the Pyrenees, it boasts exceptional qualities for growing the vines that produce Viñas del Vero’s wines.

A place of rolling hills, brownish-grey and very permeable limestone, where the winters are extreme and the summers short, it offers unparalleled agro-climatic conditions that produce excellent white, rosé and red wines. The Romans discovered this land almost twenty centuries ago and lovers of good wine still appreciate it today.


The Somontano landscape is influenced jointly by the nearby pre-Pyrenean mountains, home to the  Sierra y Cañones de Guara Nature Park, the Sierra de Salinas, the rivers Vero and Cinca, which run through the area and a skyline of beautiful fields of vines, olive trees, kermes oaks and almond trees.


The river Vero, the essence of Somontano

Somontano’s capital town, Barbastro, includes some thirty municipalities. Located along the Camino del Llano, a little over 50 kilometres from Huesca, the area is irrigated by the two rivers that run through it: the Vero and the Cinca. The Vero is famous for its ravines, canyons and gorges, an absolute paradise for the adventure sports enthusiasts who visit every year


The Somontano Designation of Origin

Viñas del Vero was part of the creation of the Denominación de Origen Somontano, an innovative, dynamic DO, in 1985. Beyond being a parameter for quality, the Somontano D.O. stands for respect for a place of origin and tradition, since allthe grapes used to make its wines are grown in local vineyards.